Local Mencap Barnsley - Music Mayhem


Compass House, Castlereagh Street, Barnsley, S70 1BA

Who we are

Music, singing and the chance to learn to play an instrument for people with learning disabilities. This venue is part of the Barnsley Safe Places Scheme.

local mencap barnsley Logo


Do you have a learning disability? - Do you love music?,  Would you like to improve your music skills?, or even learn how to sing or play an instrument.

Join a group of singers and musicians to learn a new art, make new friends and have fun.

Come along and join in.

Barnsley Safe Places

Barnsley Safe Places welcomes anyone over the age of 16 to join as a member. Anyone can feel unsafe or unsure whilst out and about if something goes wrong. The venues available in Barnsley have been trained to be welcoming and helpful to anyone and everyone. There are a variety of venues such as libraries and cafes so you can find a quiet place by yourself or get help.

To find out more information about this venue, please visit https://www.safeplaces.org.uk/member-schemes/barnsley/local-mencap-barnsley/

Opening Times

Tuesday 1pm - 4pm

Contact Details

Email address: localmencapbarnsley@gmail.com

Phone number: 01226 779919

Mobile number:

Address: Compass House, Castlereagh Street, Barnsley, S70 1BA


Address details:

Compass House, Castlereagh Street, Barnsley, S70 1BA

Other Details

Cost: £9.00 for members, £10.50 for non members

Published: 09 August 2019