Dimensions provides evidence-based, outcome-focused support including sector leading positive behaviour support for people with learning disabilities, autism and complex needs.
We help people to be actively involved in their communities. People with learning disabilities and their families are at the heart of everything we do and we want every person we support to have a great life, with excellent outcomes. We support many people over long periods of time, building trusting relationships and getting to know them very well: some of the people we support and members of their staff teams have been together for over 15 years. Other people have much briefer periods of support, for example supporting the transition to move out of a home with parents, or finding a job. By listening to the people and families we work with, placing them at the centre of everything we do and tailoring our support to meet their needs.
We specialise in:
Positive Behaviour Support - to help people improve their quality of life, reduce challenging behaviour and eliminate restraint as a management strategy.
Supported Living - supporting people living in their own home, alone or with others. Some have 24 hour support, others may only need a few hours a day.
We provide support in a property owned by others or act as a landlord. We support people to manage their tenancies, access the community and develop independent living skills.
Outreach (Domiciliary Care) - providing flexible and tailored support for people with milder levels of autism or learning disability. Providing personalised support with life skills, budgeting and maintaining a tenancy. Promoting a healthy lifestyle. Support with voluntary or work placements, college work and activities. Travel training, social activities and personal care.
For more information please visit our website or call us.
Contact Details
Contact name: Claire Blake
Email address:
Role: Coordinator
Phone number: 0300 303 9003
Mobile number:
Address: Regional office Unit G10 Globe Works Penistone Road Sheffield S6 3AE
Address details:
Published: 09 August 2019