Flexi Care & Support


Barnsley Business & Innovation Centre, Snydale Road, Cudworth, S72 8RP

Who we are

Flexi Care & Support offers the highest standards of personal care, reliability, and friendly service to adults and children with disabilities. This service is part of the Registered Providers and Recognised Providers List. (RPL)

flexi care & support ltd Logo


Flexi Care & Support offers the highest standards of personal care, reliability, and friendly service to adults and children with disabilities. Our organisation works with individuals to maximise their independence where possible and offer the ongoing support the individual requires to achieve personal life outcomes.

The people we support:

  • Children & Adults with Learning Difficulties
  • Individuals whose behaviour is deemed challenging
  • Mental health issues
  • Children & Adults with Physical disabilities
  • Multiple Diagnosis 

Our services range from:

The services we provide are person-led packages of support and are tailored to meet the individual clients need.

Our support offers a comprehensive range of personal, practical care or support from welfare checks to 24-hour care packages, as well as supporting individuals with complex and specialist health needs.

This includes tenancy support, within your home. We support people to live a fulfilling life which involves addressing support needs not just in the home but also in the wider community, such as supporting people to go shopping, washing, cleaning, any daily living tasks, going to social events, any appointments or just maintaining contact with friends and families.

  • Assessment and delivery of full personalised care & support packages
  • Tenancy support
  • Intensive 1 to 1 support
  • Pop-in visiting service
  • Enabling support to increase independence
  • Supporting clients with daily living activities
  • Support with personal care needs (such as getting up and putting to bed, personal hygiene)
  • Sitting services
  • Sleep-in and waking night service

We operate a 24hr manager on call system in place to support our staff and service users.

*This list is not finite, but our focus is to support and promote the independence and re-enablement of Service Users, and integration into the wider community.

Our support workers may be asked to undertake some tasks, which may be considered to be specialist. These tasks are undertaken following appropriate risk assessments and only after your team are provided with the appropriate bespoke training. Our training is provided by a trainer with a relevant qualification, e.g. Occupational therapist, Speech therapist, Children’s Nursing team, Physiotherapist etc.

Such tasks may include:

  • Peg - Gastrostomy Care - Assisting with artificial feeding
  • Changing sterile dressings
  • Catheter care – changing bags, monitoring output
  • Tracheotomy care – oral suctioning
  • Assistance with eye or ear drops
  • Ileostomy and colostomy care – changing of bags.

Please contact us for more information.



Opening Times

The service operates 24hrs per day with an out of hours on call service


Contact Details

Contact name: Ms Katrina Latham

Email address: info@flexicareandsupport.co.uk

Role: Director

Phone number: 01226 710588

Mobile number:

Address: Barnsley Business & Innovation Centre, Snydale Road, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8RP

Contact name: Kary Jones

Email address: info@flexicareandsupport.co.uk

Role: Registered Manager

Mobile number:


Address details:

Barnsley Business & Innovation Centre, Snydale Road, Cudworth, S72 8RP

Other Details

Eligibility: This service is part of the Registered Providers List. The RPL is set up, monitored and updated by Barnsley Council. If you are an adult in Barnsley who is looking for packages of care and support, you can choose from the list of providers who follow a clear quality framework and have been assessed by the Council. In order to gain Recognised Provider status and the RPL quality mark, providers must meet a number of quality standards, including: •clear agreements with customers •a welcoming approach to customer comments and complaints •considerate and respectful conduct of staff and volunteers •a robust Adult Safeguarding Policy Adults who purchase care and support services using their own money, or through a Direct Payment, are free to choose providers who are not included on the Recognised Provider List. There is no contractual relationship involved in providers appearing on the RPL. The award of the RPL logo to providers is intended to be a quality mark with which people can then make informed choices as to which providers they may decide to use.

Published: 09 August 2019