
Who we are

This service is available for postnatal women who want to talk about their birth experience.


The sessions are run by a specialist midwife and are usually offered form 6-8 weeks postpartum (with no upper limit).  If you are concerned about a woman is feeling before this point, please contact us to discuss what support might be most helpful.

Psychological support for women experiencing PTSD symptoms as a result of their child birth experience is provided by our integrated psychology team, referral will be completed by the specialist midwife following the initial appointment.

However eventful or complicated the birth may appear to professionals, given time the  majority of women will make sense and meaning form the events with no psychological effect.  It is important for women to recognise themselves if the birth was distressing or traumatic.

Referral Criteria For Postnatal Women Who:

  • Birthed their baby in Barnsley
  • Want to talk abut their birth experience, fill in gaps and make sense of events
  • Are showing signs of emotional distress as  a result of their birth experience, beyond the normal emotional response to childbirth.

Women are encouraged to self-refer into the Birth In Mind Service,  but referrals can also be made by a Health/Social Care Professional.

Please contact us with your referral or for more information.

Please include:

  • Woman's name, hospital/NHS number, date of birth and contact number
  • Date baby was birthed
  • Reason for referral - brief summary
  • your name and contact details (if not self referral)

Please note: women will be contacted within 2 weeks of referral and usually seen form 6-8 weeks postpartum.



Contact Details

Contact name: Birth in Mind service

Email address: bdg-tr.birthinmindservice@nhs.et

Phone number: 01226 436340. (voicemail service)

Mobile number:07775 800557 (ring or text)


Address details:


Published: 09 March 2023