Support For young people in school
Our Children and Young Persons’ team works with schools and colleges across the Rotherham and Barnsley areas to support children and young people when dealing with issues that can have a negative impact on their mental wellbeing. This includes everything from exam stress to issues regarding low self-esteem and self-harm.
Our team works with young people in your school and can be scheduled at a time which best suit your timetables and causes the least disruption to learning.
We have also developed a range of training programmes to help teachers identify and deal with students who may be struggling with mental health issues. More information and prices on request.
Accredited Youth Mental Heath First Aid Courses – for those working with young people.
Youth mental health first aid courses are for everyone who works with, lives with or supports young people aged 8-18. The course will teach you to spot the signs of mental health issues in a young person, offer first aid and guide the young person towards the support they need.
Private Counselling for Children and Young People
Our Children & Young People’s Private Counselling Service offers therapy to children aged from 5 years to 18. We provide a safe, contained and reflective space for young people to express, explore and process difficult emotions and experiences through creative and therapeutic interventions.
1 in 10 young people experience a mental health issue at any one time.
We offer children a safe environment where they are free to play, draw and talk about their experiences in order to make sense of their emotional world, to grow and to develop.
To find out more about how Rotherham and Barnsley Mind can support your school or college please contact us at the Rotherham office on 01709 919929 or Barnsley on 01226 211188.
Contact Details
Email address:
Phone number: 01226 211188
Mobile number:
Address details:
Barnsley and Rotherham
Other Details
Cost: Counselling is currently available from both our Rotherham and Barnsley Offices, the cost per session is £40 payable in advance. We will make every effort to see you in the venue of your choice and at a time which is the most convenient for you. A counselling session lasts for 30 to 45 minutes for a 5 to 8 year old, and up to 50 minutes for a 9 to 18 year old. Depending on the needs of the young person, the fee however remains the same.
Published: 25 August 2022