
Who we are

Safeguarding adults and children is everybody's business.

safeguarding awareness Logo


Safeguarding Adults

Safeguarding is everybody’s business. Adult abuse can happen to anyone, anywhere, and responsibility for addressing it lies with all of us.

If you know, or suspect, that an adult is being abused, harmed, or neglected, whether it's in their own home, in a care home or hospital, or out in the community, please let us know so that we can do something about it. You can also share your concerns with a trusted professional, such as a GP or nurse.

You can contact the Barnsley Safeguarding Team on 01226 773300 to report adult abuse, harm or neglect. If you have urgent concerns outside office hours, please ring 01226 787789.  If a person is in immediate danger, ring 999.

Some of the signs to look out for:

  • Looking dishevelled or not wearing the appropriate clothes for the weather.
  • Reluctant to open the door or let someone see inside the house.
  • Unkempt garden, the presence of vermin or rubbish or house appears uncared for or in need of repair.
  • Confused, unwell or isolated
  • Obvious fire hazards, such as blocked exits

Safeguarding Children

We want to make sure that Barnsley's a safe place for children and young people to grow up.

If you're a young person and think that you're being mistreated, or you know someone who is. Then you'll find a list of services that can help to keep you safe in this website.

Barnsley Safeguarding Children Partnership agree how services and agencies work together. Making sure they safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people in the borough.

If you're a parent, carer or a professional working to keep young people safe, you'll be able to access all of the details you need here, including our policies and procedures.

Keep up with the latest safeguarding news and events by reading our safeguarding newsletters.

If the child is in danger, ring 999. If you’re worried about a child’s safety or wellbeing, call 01226 772423. If you have an urgent concern to report outside of office hours, call 01226 787789.


Contact Details

Contact name: In case of emergency phone 999

Mobile number:


Address details:


Published: 11 November 2021