Dorothy Hyman Sport Centre, Snydale Rd, Cudworth, S72 8LH

Who we are

A mixed bunch of total novices and experienced cricketers enjoying cricket at a slower pace. Central area. South area. Sporting Groups.

u3a Logo


Although we are a walking cricket group of mixed abilities playing at a slower pace, our enthusiasm is far from slow.

Our latest 'battle of the titans' took place against Doncaster U3A  and our immaculately dressed team in blue and yellow showed that we are a force to be reckoned with, smashing six after six.

If you are interested in knowing more or joining the team, please get in touch.

Opening Times

Weekly Thursday at 10am - 12 noon


Contact Details

Contact name: Mac McKechnie

Email address: mckechnie31@btinternet.com

Role: Coordinator

Phone number: 01226 891130

Mobile number:07891 745633


Address details:

Dorothy Hyman Sport Centre, Snydale Rd, Cudworth, S72 8LH

Other Details

Cost: Membership of the U3A is necessary at £12 per year and a £3 per session

Published: 16 October 2019