Thank you for taking the time to look through the principles that we expect organisations, groups and clubs to meet in order to become a part of the Moving Mental Health Forward Network. We know that in our organisations, groups and clubs, we have contact with lots of people in many different ways, which allows us to communicate, raise awareness, provide support, build each other up and share positivity. If we work together as a network, we would be able to create a significant impact on positive mental health culture across Barnsley.
This scheme has been designed to be a supportive process, and we are here to help organisations, groups and clubs to develop a better awareness of mental health and create a positive culture in their setting. For organisations, groups and clubs that meet the principles of Moving Mental Health Forward, you will be able to display the network logo and have access to a range of promotional and supportive resources, including access to a small grant scheme. We can also support settings to work towards the principles, so please get in touch for any support.
We have tried to make the process as straightforward as possible. There are five principles that we want organisations, groups and clubs to demonstrate a commitment to. While we don't expect every organisation to have everything in place, we want to encourage organisations, groups or clubs to do more and promote a positive mental health culture. That's why we have developed our standard recognition of good practice and a gold standard for those showing innovation and going above and beyond. Both are enormously important in helping people in Barnsley to have improved mental health.
On receiving your completed document and any supporting evidence, we will get in touch to provide some support, if required, or a welcome pack and details on the next steps.
Moving Mental Health Forward – Grant Fund
As well as supporting organisations, groups and clubs with the benefits of being part of the network, we want to help you promote, advocate and activate the things you want to do to support the positive culture with the people in and around your place. Small Grants are available up to £2,000 that can fund many different things. If you are interested, indicate at the end of this document, and we will forward the grant application with the Network welcome pack.
Please find the principles and application form attached as a document.
MMHF Activation GrantMMHF Principles
Contact Details
Email address: sports&
Mobile number:
Address details:
Published: 21 December 2021