Barnsley CycleBoost



Who we are

CycleBoost is a FREE, three part cycling support service for residents and employees in Barnsley aimed at removing the barriers that prevent people from riding a bike.

barnsley cycleboost Logo


CycleBoost is delivered on behalf of Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, who is promoting sustainable travel and is particularly keen to encourage more people to replace shorter car journeys by travelling by bike.

The scheme consists of three elements, designed to tackle some of the barriers that stop people from cycling.

Bike Loans

The cost of trying cycling can be off putting, especially if you don’t know whether cycling will meet your daily travel needs. CycleBoost offers Barnsley workers and residents the chance to try cycling for four weeks for free. Its a great way to give it a go without having to lay out lots of cash. We also lend you a full range of cycling accessories with the bike so you should have everything you need to see if cycling is for you.

Find out more about our bike loans »

Cycling Sessions & Courses

For a lot of people it may be years since you last cycled, if indeed you learnt at all. We have a range of cycle skills sessions and courses designed to boost your skills and confidence, so you get the most out of cycling.

Details about the sessions and courses available »

Maintenance & Repair

We offer free bike safety checks at the Barnsley Active Travel Hub.
Find out more about our bike safety checks »

Contact Details

Contact name: CycleBoost

Email address:

Role: Coordinator

Phone number: 01226 446970

Mobile number:


Address details:


Other Details

Cost: FREE

Published: 09 August 2019