Heart (Extended Hours) i-HEART Barnsley 365 is designed to help patients access same day appointments during the evening and weekends.
The service has created additional appointments enabling patients to receive medical advice outside of standard GP surgery opening times. Please note, the way in which operates has changed recently.
Need an appointment?
Do you need to speak to someone?
We can offer same day appointments with a nurse or GP during evenings, weekends and bank holidays.
Call: 01226 242419
We offer a confidential interpreter service, which is available in many languages. Simply mention the language you wish to use when your call is answered.
Appointments can be booked between 4:00pm – 6:00pm, Monday to Friday and 8:00am – 9:30am Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.
Opening Times
Our phone lines are open from 4:00pm – 6:00pm on Monday to Friday and from 8:00am – 9:30am on Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.
Appointments are available at Chapelfield Medical Centre and BHF Lundwood Surgery
Appointments are available at the following times: 6:30pm – 10:30pm Monday to Friday, 09:00am - 17:00pm Saturday & 10:00am - 14.00pm, Sunday and Bank Holidays.
Please note that appointments cannot be booked by going directly to these surgeries.
Contact Details
Contact name: i-HEART Barnsley 365
Email address:
Phone number: 01226 242419
Mobile number:outside of hours NHS 111
Address details:
BHF Lundwood Surgery, Priory Campus, (Ground Floor) 230 Pontefract Rd, Lundwood, S71 5PN
Chapelfield Medical Centre, Mayflower Way, S73 0AJS
Published: 09 August 2019