Make some time for you by creating a balance between the body and the mind, promoting health and wellbeing and improving your breathing patterns.
A great way to relax, unwind and give yourself some self-care.
This activity is for all ages. Booking essential.
Opening Times
Tuesday 4.55pm - 5.55pm - Hoyland
Tuesday 10.45am - 12.15pm - Metrodome
Wednesday 12.30pm - 1.30pm - Hoyland
Wednesday 6.15pm - 7.15pm - Hoyland
Wednesday 6.45pm - 8.15pm - Metrodome
Wednesday 7pm - 8pm - Royston
Thursday 11.45am - 12.45pm - Metrodome
Friday 10.45am - 12.15pm - Metrodome
Sunday 8.15am - 9am - Metrodome
Sunday 11am - 12pm - Hoyland
Contact Details
Contact name: Hoyland Leisure Centre
Email address:
Phone number: 01226 744063
Mobile number:
Contact name: Metrodome Leisure Complex
Email address:
Phone number: 01226 730060
Mobile number:
Contact name: Royston Leisure Centre
Email address:
Phone number: 01226 722991
Mobile number:
Address details:
Hoyland Leisure Centre, West St, Hoyland, S74 9EH
Metrodome Leisure Complex, Queens Rd, S71 1AN
Royston Liesure Centre, Station Rd, Royston, S71 4HZ
Published: 30 March 2022