Compass Be Mental Health Support Team (MHST) works with children, young people, and families in education settings in Barnsley. We provide free, confidential support, help and advice for pupils, students and schools for issues related to mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Working directly across primary and secondary schools we provide group and one to one support (usually 6-8 sessions based on what is needed) for children and young people aged 5-19 with mild-to-moderate emotional and mental health needs who attend one of our partner schools or who may be
- A Young Carer
- Educated At Home
- Excluded from school or at risk of exclusion
We also provide support to schools around a whole school approach to positive emotional wellbeing as well as providing bereavement counselling, parent support and support for children and young people to build healthy peer relationships.
The service is made up of Supervising Practitioners, Education Mental Health Practitioners, Mental Health Practitioners, Trainees, Assistant Practitioners with our specialist Family Practitioners, Bereavement Counsellors, Healthy Peer Relationship Practitioners, Wellbeing Practitioners, student counsellors and volunteers.
How the service can help you
If you’re feeling sad, scared, worried or maybe you’re getting angry or frustrated. We can support you to get the right help!
We help you build your skills to cope with:
- Low mood: sadness, low motivation
- Mild to moderate anxiety: worries, irrational fears and concerns
- Common challenging behaviours: angry outbursts, pushing boundaries, frustration and distress
- Family and peer relationship difficulties
- Difficulty adjusting to change and transition
- Difficulty managing emotions
How you can access the service
Referrals to Compass Be can be made through Branching Minds, which is a multi disciplinary team who provide advice, support and guidance for new referrals for all children and young people’s mental health services in Barnsley as a single point of contact. The team do not hold any case loads or provide direct support to children and young people, but your referral will be triaged and if suitable for our service it will then be forwarded to us at Compass Be.
You can get in touch with Branching Minds by phoning 01226 107377.
Branching Minds accept requests for support from young people, parents, carers and professionals. Just fill in the request for support form below and return it to You can also use this email address to request an update on referrals and to submit any new or requested additional information to support referrals into the service.
The team at Branching Minds aim to get you the right help at the right time so that you can feel better about what’s going on in your life.
The Branching Minds Barnsley team Monday – Thursday, 9am to 4:30pm and Friday, 9am to 4pm (excluding bank holidays).
For emergency support outside of these hours, please contact your out of hours GP (by calling your practice number as usual) or NHS 111.
You should only contact the emergency services on 999 or go to your nearest A&E if:
- Someone’s life is at risk – for example, they have seriously injured themselves or taken an overdose
- You do not feel you can keep yourself or someone else safe.