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Information in an easy to read format about understanding alcohol and understanding your feeling when you want to drink.

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Easy Health have a website of of over 390 resources about 120 health conditions or topics in a easy to read format to help anyone with a learning disability or autism or Asperger's. 

The following link https://www.easyhealth.org.uk/pages/easy-read-health-leaflets-and-films will cover:

Alcohol Relapse Prevention Plan is about understanding your feelings when you want to drink alcohol and what to do to stop drinking too much.

Coming for a Drink is information about what drinks have alcohol in them, advice on safe drinking, and what happens when you drink too much.

Alcohol and Epilepsy is about the effect alcohol has on your body, your seizures, and your anti-epileptic medication.

Alcohol is about what drinks have alcohol in them, what happens if you drink too much, and you can cut down or stop drinking.

Smoking and Alcohol tells you about the effects of smoking and alcohol can have on your health.

All of the videos and leaflets are tagged with relevant health conditions and these appear on the left hand side of the page. Click on the name of the condition to see all the resources we have about it.

If you have found a resource particularly useful you can leave a comment to recommend it to others. You might also wish to comment with suggestions about how to use the resource or how to improve it.

You will need to sign up as a member of Easy Health to download the resources and to leave a comment.


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Published: 20 April 2023