A class especially adapted for older people population group, aged 50 plus. There will be a focus on strength work for muscle loss and bone health, mobility for ageing joints and balance and coordination work. The class will be structured around the physical activity recommendations of the UK Chief Medical Officer (CMO Guidelines) and promote healthy ageing and falls prevention.
The class will also include mindfulness and relaxation techniques as well as a chance to be part of a supportive social community of like-minded people. It’s always a friendly event and a great chance to gather together for a cuppa and chat afterwards!
Suitable for all levels and those with limiting health conditions and mobility.
Book online or contact us to book, or for further information.
Opening Times
Tuesday 10am - 11am
Contact Details
Contact name: Equanimity Penistone
Email address: sarah@equanimitypenistone.uk
Mobile number:07936 362578
Address details:
St Andrews Church, High Street, Penistone, S36 6BR
Published: 31 March 2022