At Local Mencap Barnsley there is a bright, amazing future ahead of the club and with a whole host of new activities coming your way, there will be a whole lot of new exciting opportunities for volunteers.
As the club expands, we will be recruiting volunteers. If you think you have what it takes or know someone who has what it takes to become a supportive, energetic, full of enthusiasm and have new ideas, we would like them to volunteer and join our team.
Please get in touch and ask for an application form.
Barnsley Safe Places
Barnsley Safe Places welcomes anyone over the age of 16 to join as a member. Anyone can feel unsafe or unsure whilst out and about if something goes wrong. The venues available in Barnsley have been trained to be welcoming and helpful to anyone and everyone. There are a variety of venues such as libraries and cafes so you can find a quiet place by yourself or get help.
To find out more information about this venue, please visit https://www.safeplaces.org.uk/member-schemes/barnsley/local-mencap-barnsley/
Contact Details
Contact name: Local Mencap Barnsley
Email address: localmencapbarnsley@gmail.com
Phone number: 01226 779919
Mobile number:
Address: Compass House, Castlereagh Street, Barnsley, S70 1BA
Address details:
Compass House, Castlereagh Street, Barnsley, S70 1BA
Published: 09 August 2019