Billingley Village Hall, Back Lane, Billingley, S72 0JF

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Who we are

Tai Chi Exercise classes in South area. Penistone area. North East area. This activity is part of the Barnsley Older People Physical Activity Alliance (BOPPAA)

shirley sherwood Logo


A specialised Tai Chi session that focuses on falls prevention and arthritis.  Dr Lam's Tai Chi for Arthritis programme has helped many thousands of people across the world to improve their health and wellbeing through regular Tai Chi practice. 

Research shows this programme can improve balance, reduce falls, reduce joint pain and improve flexibility and mood.

Beginners are welcome and your first six sessions are free. Booking is essential through Age UK Barnsley.  Shirley Sherwood, Tai Chi is part of the Barnsley Older People Physical Activity Alliance.

Barnsley Older People Physical Activity Alliance - BOPPAA

Funded by Barnsley Council and led by Age UK Barnsley, the Barnsley Older People Physical Activity Alliance* is an alliance of NHS, private and third sector (non-profit) organisations offering physical activity opportunities for over 50s in Barnsley.  The Alliance aims to increase provision of physical activity programmes that will improve strength and balance of older people (50+) across Barnsley.

The Covid-19 pandemic has contributed towards the decline of older people’s physical and mental wellbeing. The alliance will work to counter this by offering exercise classes that have a focus on social interaction and community engagement and in many cases initial classes will be free!

If you’d like to know what’s available in your part of Barnsley or you’re a provider who’s interested in being part of the Alliance call Age UK Barnsley on 01226 776820 or email Age UK Barnsley at:

*The Barnsley Older People Physical Activity Alliance is an alliance of independent activity providers each responsible for the delivery of their own activities/services. 

Opening Times

Monday 11.30am - 12.30pm - Royston

Monday 1.15pm - 2.15pm - Billingley

Thursday 2pm - 3pm - Fitzwilliam Court Hoyland

Friday 11am - 12 noon  - Penistone 

Friday 1pm - 2pm - Valley Community Centre 



Contact Details

Contact name: Age UK Barnsley

Phone number: 01226 776820

Mobile number:


Address details:

Billingley Village Hall, Back Lane, Billingley, S72 0JF

St John's Community Centre, Church St, Penistone, Sheffield S36 6AR

Valley Community Centre, Manor Rd, Cudworth, Barnsley S72 8DG

Fitzwilliam Court, Fitzwilliam Cl, Hoyland, S74 9JZ

Royston Civic Hall, Station Rd, Royston S71 4EQ

Other Details

Cost: First six sessions are free and then £3 thereafter

Published: 25 March 2022