Sun Healthcare Supported Living, Community Support & Domiciliary Services


Head Office, Cockerham Hall, 17 Huddersfield Rd, Barnsley, S70 2LT

Who we are

Support to live independent and fulfilling lives in the community. Our community and supported living services are all about enabling people to live full, active and rewarding lives within the community. Our offices are part of the Barnsley Safe Places Scheme.

sun healthcare limited Logo


Support to live independent and fulfilling lives in the community Our community and supported living services are all about enabling people to live full, active and rewarding lives within the community. We provide support in the way that people want it, when they want it – giving individuals control over their lives. The service is person-centred, outcome and progression focussed. We go out of our way to facilitate people’s choices and aspirations. We respect people’s rights, privacy and dignity.

Throughout Barnsley, South Yorkshire and northern England, Sun Healthcare offers:

  • Supported living, community support and domiciliary services
  • Intensive supported living services. These are based on the social model of disability facilitating recovery, enablement and outcome-based support

Supported living and community based services

We offer support such as:

  • Finding and securing accommodation
  • Financial advice and appointee-ship
  • Daily living skills, taking medication and assistance in the home
  • Enablement to access services, education and work placements 
  • Assistance and signposting to other community and leisure activities, including social groups and holidays
  • Reablement to regain skills
  • Positive behaviour support

Intensive supported living Services

For people with complex needs, who want to live in their own homes or with their family, we offer more intensive support services. This means that individuals can enjoy the comfort and security of their own home, but with specialist help from us, enabling people to make informed decisions about their lives.

We support people with a variety of disabilities, including:

  • Mental health issues
  • Challenging behaviour
  • Autism Spectrum Condition, including Asperger syndrome
  • Substance misuse
  • People with forensic histories
  • People with learning disabilities and associated early dementia.

Our comprehensive support packages include high levels of staffing (1:1 or 2:1, if required) and are managed by qualified nursing staff. 24-hour care can be provided as part of our intensive supported living services.

Individuals are supported to keep in close contact with family members and friends, and loved ones can visit at any time.

Barnsley Safe Places

Barnsley Safe Places welcomes anyone over the age of 16 to join as a member. Anyone can feel unsafe or unsure whilst out and about if something goes wrong. The venues available in Barnsley have been trained to be welcoming and helpful to anyone and everyone. There are a variety of venues such as libraries and cafes so you can find a quiet place by yourself or get help.

For more information about this venue, please visit

CQC Properties

CQC Age Band: Caring for adults over 65 yrs, Caring for adults under 65 yrs

CQC Service Type: Homecare agencies, Supported living

CQC Specialism: Caring for adults over 65 yrs, Caring for adults under 65 yrs, Dementia, Eating disorders, Learning disabilities, Mental health conditions, Personal care, Physical disabilities, Sensory impairments, Substance misuse problems

Contact Details

Contact name: Justine Pearce

Email address:

Role: Registered Manager

Phone number: 01226 323 670

Mobile number:


Address details:

Head Office, Cockerham Hall, 17 Huddersfield Rd, Barnsley, S70 2LT

Published: 09 August 2019