The Samaritans of Barnsley


77 Pitt Street West, Barnsley,S70 1BN

Who we are

Telephone help and support when you need it most. We are hear if you need us. We are able to offer support for men and women.

the samaritans of barnsley Logo


Barnsley Samaritans has been helping people for over 50 years, we received our first call in 1968. We moved location to Victoria Road in 1970 however today you will find us on the edge of Barnsley town centre where we have been since 1991, from here we provide support to people from all over the area.

We are here for you, whoever you are, whatever you're going through, we're here to listen. 

'I just wanted to talk to someone who would listen - without judging me, telling me what to do or worrying about me.  It helped me to be able to say anything that was on my mind' Samaritans caller.

Maybe your problems have built up over time. Perhaps you've hit an unexpected crisis. Or you just can't pinpoint what's wrong. Don't wait until it feels too much. You don't have to face it alone.

What happens when you get in touch?

  • A volunteer will answer - We are trained volunteers, ready to listen.
  • No judgement - you can talk to us about anything, whoever you are, whatever life's thrown at you.
  • No pressure - We'll ask what's going on for you and help you talk it through.
  • Let it all out - If you get upset and find it hard to talk it's OK, we'll stay until you are ready.
  • It's your call - We won't make decisions for you, we'll give you space to find your won way through it.

Contact Samaritans free, day and night, 365 days a year.  Call free on 116 123

Opening Times



Contact Details

Contact name: Barnsley Samaritans

Email address:

Role: General contact details

Phone number: 116 123 free from any phone

Mobile number:01226 244447 - local charges apply

Address: 77 Pitt Street West, Barnsley, South Yorkshire,S70 1BN


Address details:

77 Pitt Street West, Barnsley,S70 1BN

Other Details

Cost: Free

Published: 09 August 2019