Our Journey Assistance Cards have been produced to help passengers with hidden disabilities or older passengers discreetly get help from the driver or conductor so they can travel on public transport with confidence.
They also aim to help drivers and conductors be aware of any assistance or information requirements you may have. They can be used on any of our services.
How to use:
Click on the card you want to use below - they are jpeg images so you could save to your mobile photo album or
- Print off the sheet - you can download the PDF files below in either colour or black and white. You can also ask for a printed sheet at our interchange customer service desks (they can also give you a travel wallet to keep it in!).
- Cut out the card or cards that you want to use.
- Keep them with your bus/ tram/ train ticket / concessionary travel pass, in your travel wallet if you have one.
- When you get on a bus or tram, hold the card up to let the driver or conductor know what help you need.
journey Assistance Cards - Colour (PDF, 599Kb)
journey Assistance Cards - Black and White (PDF, 1Mb)
Please visit our website for information.
Address details:
Other Details
Cost: FREE
Published: 09 August 2019