Tai Chi


Mapplewell & Staincross Village Hall, Darton Lane, Mapplewell, Barnsley, S75 6AL

Who we are

Tai Chi for all ages and abilities. This venue is part of the Barnsley Safe Places Scheme

wu style tai chi  @ mapplewell & staincross Logo


Tai Chi originated in China as a martial art and in translation means “ultimate exercise”.

It integrates both mind and body and develops both simultaneously. Tai Chi, as it is practised today can best be thought of as a form of exercise and meditation combined. Many of the movements have self defence applications but are performed slowly and gracefully with smooth and even transitions between them. These slow, relaxed and balanced movements, know as ‘THE FORM’, require practice and patience to perfect, with the emphasis on accuracy, control stillness, lightness, relaxation and mental focus.

Our classes are in two halves. In the first half of the session CHI GUNG exercises are practiced. These are designed to bring awareness to the body, relax the muscles, slow down and regulate the breathing and generally begin the process that THE FORM will develop.

During the second half of the session you will learn the movements of THE FORM. This is a series of slow and controlled movements performed very accurately in a predetermined sequence. Because there is low cardiovascular exertion and no high impact movement Tai Chi is equally suitable for those of any age or level of fitness.

The practise of Tai Chi allows you to develop your own skill at your own speed. You can begin at any time and no special clothing or equipment is required. The health benefits of regular practice of Tai Chi promotes improved muscle tone and posture, mental focus, co-ordination and balance, general levels of vitality, increased flexibility and spatial awareness.

There have been a number of studies and there is currently a lot of interest in the use of Tai Chi to help with the rehabilitation of patients after serious illnesses (particularly heart problems and debilitative long term conditions) as well as in preventative healthcare such as reducing stress levels or helping to reduce the incidence of falls by elderly people.

We have both an intermediate class and now a beginners class shortly after.

Barnsley Safe Places

Barnsley Safe Places welcomes anyone over the age of 16 to join as a member. Anyone can feel unsafe or unsure whilst out and about if something goes wrong. The venues available in Barnsley have been trained to be welcoming and helpful to anyone and everyone. There are a variety of venues such as libraries and cafes so you can find a quiet place by yourself or get help.

For more information about this venue, please visit https://www.safeplaces.org.uk/member-schemes/barnsley/mapplewell-staincross-village-hall-ltd/

Opening Times

Tuesday 4pm - 5pm (experienced)

Tuesday 5.15pm - 6.15pm (beginners)

Contact Details

Contact name: Richard Barson

Email address: rjbarson@gmail.com

Mobile number:07482 975234


Address details:

Mapplewell & Staincross Village Hall, Darton Lane, Mapplewell, Barnsley, S75 6AL

Other Details

Cost: £7.00 per session

Published: 09 August 2019