
Who we are

Information to help with suicide prevention. Support for men.

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#Alrightpal is all about starting the conversation around mental health and wellbeing as a first step towards suicide prevention.

Talking about mental health doesn't have to be scary, it's simply our emotional, psychological and social wellbeing.  It is really important to understand and manage it as it affects how we think, feel and act.

It's a myth that talking about suicide is a bad idea as it will give somebody the idea to do it. In reality, people at crisis point often feel as though they don't want to burden people with their problems, so they don't discuss it.  Asking somebody a simple question to check they're alright offers support from friends and family, and an opportunity for early referrals for specialist help.

If you are worried about someone who might be experiencing mental health issues or suicidal thoughts, there's lots you can do to help. Visit the BMBC website for more information about how our partner services can help.

If you need help now, Samaritans - Freephone 11623, NHS Freephone 111 or if you are in immediate danger call 999.

Visit our website to find out more about asking the right questions and listening tips.


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Published: 16 September 2020