Unit 24 Jessops Riverside, 800 Brightside Lane, Sheffield S9 2RX

Who we are

This free and confidential family tracing service helps people reconnect.

british red cross Logo


If you are trying to trace your family members here or overseas we may be able to help you:

  • find your missing family
  • send a message to your family (but not money or packages)
  • get a certificate of detention for people who have been imprisoned

This is a free and confidential service to help families reconnect. We won’t pass on your information to anyone else without your permission.

You can use our family tracing service if you haven’t been able to contact your family yourself and both of the following apply:

  • you are in the UK
  • you have been separated by war, natural disaster or migration

We may be able to help in other circumstances where there is a humanitarian need. For example, if you have suddenly lost contact with an elderly relative abroad.

We are able to access interpreters for all languages.

Although our office is in Sheffield you don't need to visit the office, we can help you over the phone.

Opening Times

Tuesday - Thursday 9am - 5pm

Contact Details

Contact name: You can make an enquiry online through the website

Email address:

Phone number: 0114 242 7384

Mobile number:

Address: Unit 24 Jessops Riverside 800 Brightside Lane Sheffield S9 2RX


Address details:

Unit 24 Jessops Riverside, 800 Brightside Lane, Sheffield S9 2RX

Other Details

Cost: FREE

Eligibility: Primarily refugees and Asylum Seekers but also other people who have lost contact with their family due to war, natural disaster or migration.

Published: 02 October 2019