A weekly service user led group run on Wednesday’s (10am-2pm) to support individuals who feel lonely, isolated and or who are living with a mental health condition or learning difficulty.
Activities often include bingo, natter, gardening and crafts. The club meets at Carers Garden at back of Barnsley Metrodome (Next to Carpark 4).
Small charge ranging from 50p-£2.50 to cover costs of activity and optional lunch and refreshments.
Opening Times
Wednesday 10am - 2pm
Contact Details
Contact name: H.O.P.E (Hope in Community)
Email address: admin@hopeincommunity.co.uk
Mobile number:07462 962292
Address details:
Carer's Community Garden, Back of Metrodome, (next to CarPark 4) Queens Ground, Queens Road, Barnsley,S71 1AN
Published: 09 August 2019