Barnsley Men's Shed


The Depot, Worsbrough Dale Park Pavilion, 27 Oakdale, Worsbrough, Barnsley S70 5EF

Who we are

Social Group for ex-service/Barnsley men - sharing experiences and learning new skills and offering support for men.


The Tarn Man Shed is - A place in the City Centre - A place to make things - A place to be you - A place with tools - A place to make new friends - A place to make things with wood.

This could be the place for you!

Loneliness is not something that people like to talk about or admit to, especially men, but coming together at the workshops allows men to share their experiences and learn new skills together.

For men who want to replicate the shed at the bottom of the garden but with tea, coffee and friends to chat and laugh with. Supervised learning around working wit wood.  Hygiene packs available.

The Royal British Legion is backing this project that allows veterans to get away from it all by tinkering in a Shed. Barnsley Men's Shed is open to all Ex-Service and Barnsley men. Our aim is to give local older men a space that gives them back their own working space and the self-respect which comes from the sense of being part of an active community.

If you are interested in becoming a Barnsley Shedder - please contact us for more information.

Opening Times

Tuesday and Wednesdays 11am - 4pm

Contact Details

Contact name: Philip Jackson

Email address:

Role: Director

Mobile number:07581 560 285

Address: 8A Oaks Business Centre, Oaks Lane, Barnsley, S71 1HT


Address details:

The Depot, Worsbrough Dale Park Pavilion, 27 Oakdale, Worsbrough, Barnsley S70 5EF

Published: 09 August 2019