A DROP-IN stroke cafe held in the Dearne is offering help and support to people suffering strokes. We are here to ensure support is extended beyond initial recovery.
The cafe initiative comes through a collaboration between the Stroke Association - a charitable organisation which offers support after strokes - and the stroke rehabilitation team at Kendray Hospital.
Based at the Snap Tin Cafe in Goldthorpe, the monthly meet-ups are set to host guest speakers including physiotherapists, psychologists and dieticians giving the most up to date information on stroke and recovery.
Sufferers and carers are free to drop in or contact us for more information.
Opening Times
Second Friday of the month 11am - 12pm
Contact Details
Contact name: The Snap Tin Cafe
Email address:
Phone number: 01709 252272
Mobile number:
Address details:
The Snap Tin Cafe, 1 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, S63 9PG
Published: 29 September 2022